Anti counterfeiting and piracy smuggling
Counterfeiting, smuggling, and piracy have become today an international phenomenon accounting between 5% and 7% of world trade. This phenomenon undermines the proper functioning of the internal market because, in addition to the deflection of trade and the resulting distortion of competition, this leads to a loss of consumer confidence in the internal market and a fall in investment.
Counterfeiting has today taken a considerable boost, especially with the opportunities of selling on the internet. All economic sectors are thus exposed. It is the unfair competition that is born and spreads, destroying jobs and thus puts the consumer in a state of insecurity. Thus, the fight against counterfeiting is a question that becomes paramount because it concerns the whole society. This fight is essential, not only because it is an illegal activity, but also because it deals with the products of others. Counterfeiting is primarily an anti-competitive practice performed in violation of an intellectual property right. In other words, it is an infringement of a literary, artistic or industrial property right. Also, counterfeiting usually consists in having copied a literary work, a title, neighboring rights, a drawing or a model, to have reproduced or imitated a trademark or manufactured a patented object without the authorization of the owner, for example the digitization of work followed by its diffusion on the Internet, also the case of infringements of intellectual or industrial property in the digital environment. If you suspect counterfeiting of your products or works, you must look for evidence to bring those responsible to justice. For this purpose, you will need a firm of experts to protect your brand such as Worldwide Investigators Agency. The research for evidences is done in a delicate manner depending on the product and the counterfeiter. At the risk of seeing it retract and make it difficult (if not impossible) to pin it down, an active and abrupt search is sometimes counterproductive. That’s why the search for evidence in the matter of counterfeiting is often first entrusted to a private detective who will infiltrate the network of criminals, collect evidence to allow you to sue.

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