Background Check
You are the promoter of a company in full swing and you want to surround yourself with the best talents. You care about the image and the integrity of your company and require a total professional ethics on behalf of your agents, WIA brings you the solution. With its range of techniques of information, the WIA cabinet gives you all the information that you are looking for on your current employees and that you need to hire a new staff. In fact, the firm WIA performs at your request:
- A background check on any type of personnel you want to recruit (Manager, technician, Assistant, Consultant, etc.) so you can really know who your candidate is.
- Unfair Competition Investigations.
You have technicians and other agents that you suspect having a dual competitive activity to your business, either by selling its services to one of your competitors, WIA will investigate for you to discover if the professional ethics of your agents reflect the image of your company.
If you wish to discuss on any subject, please contact us.
From our offices in Cameroon, we are able to conduct operations around the world.